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Bitch she's Madonna! We are your reddit home for news, information, music and everything else concerning the legendary Queen of Pop.
Wind power news and articles, including onshore and offshore, and related technologies, including turbines and wind farms. Wind power is one of the oldest, cleanest, and most plentiful sources of renewable energy on Earth.
Video showing or referencing poker. Poker tournaments, poker TV shows, poker plays are all accepted.
r/NYCTrees is a subreddit for the civil discussion of cannabis in and around New York, baby #1. Join the conversation today.
Photos and video of engine test stands. Rocket motors primarily, but any motor sufficiently cool is welcome.
Discussion about the international humanitarian health organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders). Note: This is a fan page and is not run by MSF. Contact your countries branch for specific questions. ** No Hate speech, bullying or racism will be tolerated **
A subreddit for memes relating to grad school, life as a graduate student, etc.
Scrollsaw:A space for scrollsawers to meet and discuss patterns, projects, methods, and tools. Pictures showing off finished projects are welcome.
A subreddit about timelapses of plants. Videos, GIFs, and even just side-by-side photos of plants are encouraged. Discuss your setup and your plants! Have fun and be kind!
Purism: A Free/Libre Open Source Software & Hardware Laptop. But. We’re here to cover issues important to us all. Privacy. Openness. Join us.
We're here to prevent /r/ToasterRights from being flooded with nude images of toasters
An active fan community since 2013 for The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game. Endless new adventures in one of the best game representations of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth!
This is a subreddit entirely dedicated to those in the process for studying for the Bar. Please feel free to post anything related to the hell that is bar prep!
Do you find pictures of squirrels eating peanuts or acorns passé? Good, you've come to the right place! Here your taste for photos of squirrels feasting on the bizarre will be satisfied. What will the next link bring? A squirrel eating a pumpkin? A bowling ball? A severed human head? Maybe it's just a carrot. Like it thinks it's a rabbit or something? That'd be funny in kind of an understated way. Hey man, your dry, New Yorker-cartoon-loving 'wit' is welcome here. We don't judge.
This community is for experimental and Avant-garde filmmakers and lovers. Post films or discuss experimental cinema related topic. The term "experimental film" has a broad definition, but if you are not familiar with this artistic practice or style, please refer to this Wikipedia article.
diyguitar - The place to discuss Guitar modifications, DIY Guitar builds, Guitar electronics, wiring, DIY effect pedal builds, effect pedal mods, guitar pick-ups, etc...
An open space for discussion about Mariah Carey, one of the world's best singer and songwriter, and her work., Inc. is a college admissions counseling company founded in 2001. It hosts popular college admissions forums on topics such as admissions chances, financial aid, standardized testing and school life.
Find ***all*** the writings and content that has been released by J.K. Rowling on
A Subreddit dedicated to sharing the posters created by various countries during the Cold War.
Discussion, images, facts, discoveries, or anything related to organisms found underwater!
A place for rookies and seasoned advertisers to talk about Facebook Ads.
A subreddit for news and stories pertaining to the TV show "Eureka" on the Syfy channel. Eureka is an American science fiction television series that premiered on Syfy on July 18, 2006, and since then five seasons have aired. The show has now ended.
r/Hosting is for discussions of hosting services and providers including: shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS providers, dedicated servers, and other hosting related services. General discussions on web hosting are welcome.
Gaming Gifs of the Highest Quality. Gifs must include a minimum of 60fps, higher framerates are also excepted. More frames the better!
r/bigcats is a community to share photos, videos, news articles, and stories and big cats with other like minded people!
This subreddit is a combination between /r/CCW and /r/EDC. It is specifically for the display and discussion of daily carry setups for those that carry a firearm on a daily basis, be it for self-defense or for their line of work.
This community is for those who seek support and discussion for their open marriage.
A subreddit to make space colonization a reality.. We have a very liberal interpretation of that goal so feel free to contribute anything that moves the conversation forward!
A place to discuss and post pics (original content) of our corvid friends! No selling stuff, politics, religion or off-topic arguments. Be groovy or get shoved out of the Murder!